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Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

My Lao music sucks, what can I do!!

Wow! Happy new year to all. Hope you will make 2010 the best year ever. I was at the New year’s party in Fresno California; it was great except for the band and the music that they played. At time, as  musicians we tend to sing and play songs that we like and not what the audiences really want.
This year I am going to be concentrating on playing Lao music that people like because this is what keeps them coming back. One thing that I have found is that it is not so much about the song but the style of music that you play. Paslop, Limborock, Talung, Offbeat, Megadance are some of the styles that many good Lao musicians neglect. Be sure to keep these styles in mind when you are playing at a party.
If you have a style that you think is the best at the moment feel free to post it in the comment section.

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