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Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Piano and Keyboard Chord Chart

Piano and Keyboard Chord Chart

(also suitable for other keyboard instruments such as harpsichord)
This A4 sized Piano and Keyboard laminated chart displays common note formations for major, minor, dominant seventh, minor seventh, augmented and diminished chords.
The chart displays a total of 60 different chords across the 12 standard Western keys and is great for learning chords, studying harmony or completing your theory grades.
The chart is clearly designed and makes a great resource for the budding performer.
Postage Discount
Pay nothing extra in postage when you order any additional charts from our growing selection. UK only.* Overseas discount available **
Delivery and Returns
All our music charts are dispatched 1st Class by Royal Mail. Occasionally, we may upgrade to a faster or signed for service at no extra cost.
For piece of mind, we also offer '14 day' returns. Please see the 'P&P and Payment' section for more details.


Hai fren ni aku ada sesuatu buat kalian chord chord yang mungkin kalian butuhkan jika kalian baru belajar bermain gitar:

Jazz Guitar Chord Charts Series : Chords in Three Scales

This installment of the jazz guitar chord charts series is the next step in chordal playing. I will show you how to derive chords from common scales and appropriate fingerings for each.

With the major scale, melodic minor scale and harmonic minor scale we will get a total of 21 chords...
few... that's alot!
Don't worry though. I'll start simple and build from there. No mysticism or magic here. Just chords!
So the approach is the harmonization of a scale to get the chords it contains. We simply add "stacked thirds" to get four-note chords on each scale degree.
As you may or may not know, the chords above are almost all impossible to play on the guitar (in this format at least)...
They're called "closed" voicings, try them on the piano when you have a chance. On the guitar, we need a different "spacing" between the notes AND we want to keep the root of each chord on the two bottom strings.
I wanted you to understand the process behind the following chord shapes and that is why I posted these jazz guitar chord charts on the website... Sooooo : We will use the first "C major 7th" chord (upper-left corner above) play the same notes (ex: C E G B) but in a different order (ex: C G B E) keeping C in the bass.
Check this out :
Et voilĂ !
This C major 7th shape will be the reference point for now. For the record, we call this a drop-2 voicing.
A Quick Drop-2 Explanation : From a closed voicing, the second voice from the top is taken down an octave. Look at the spacing on the above C-G-B-E (on the right ...) The lowest (C) note was taken down an octave from its assorted closed voicing.
Let's play the drop-2 chords in three scales (major, melodic minor and harmonic minor) in the key of C.
-The "little triangle" means major 7th
-The "little circle" means diminished 7th
-The "dashed little circle" means minor 7th flat 5
This approach brings up two new chord shapes that were not part of the previous jazz guitar chord charts :
-major 7th with a raised 5th (spelled 1 3 #5 7)
-minor with a major 7th (spelled 1 b3 5 7)
They are both only "one finger away" from an chord that has already been discussed :
Good old major 7th ! (1 3 5 7)
Expanding on known chord shapes will be covered in other installments of the jazz guitar chord charts series.

...and another set of strings (with skip!)

Let's now proceed the same way with the bass on the 6th string. I will use the key of G to demonstrate another "spacing" between the notes of a chord. This one involves non-adjacent strings.
Et voilĂ  again!!!
This one is the new point of reference and it's called drop-3 voicing. Notice the string-skip.
A Quick Drop-3 Explanation : From a closed voicing, the third voice from the top is taken down an octave. Look at the spacing on the above G-F#-B-D (on the right ...) The lowest (G) note was taken down an octave from its assorted closed voicing.
So let's play the drop-3 chords in the three scales (major, melodic minor and harmonic minor) but in the key of G.
-The "little triangle" means major 7th
-The "little circle" means diminished 7th
-The "dashed little circle" means minor 7th flat 5
As in the drop-2 (the key of C), we get two "new" drop-3 shapes : major 7th with raised 5th and minor with major 7th.

Jazz Guitar Chord Charts Series : Wrap-up

So we now have the two basic voicings to play "chords in a scale". They sound good and are easy to play. To take full advantage of this approach, I strongly suggest you go further than the written examples. You can cover more territory on your fretboard by ...
Use all the frets you have
Going further up or down on the fretboard in the same key until you reach the nut (or the bridge!!!)
Use different set of strings
Playing the same chords in the same order but varying the string sets. The above examples are all "four per string". Check this one out :
It could be qualified as a "six ... then two chords per string". Use your imagination and you'll find what works for you.
Remember also that this whole process is applicable starting from any root on the guitar neck! Take the time to learn other keys on your fretboard!


Putar senar gitar perlahan, petiklah beberapa kali(dengan tangan satunya), bandingkan dengan senar lain hingga sama nadanya, dengan ketentuan seperti berikut:

1. Nada Senar no 1(E) los senar = Nada senar no 2(B) fret ke 5 (petik senar kedua dengan jari tangan satunya menekan senar no 2 pada fret ke 5)

2. Nada Senar no 2(B) los senar = Nada senar no 3 fret ke 4 (petik senar ketiga dengan jari tangan satunya menekan senar no 3 pada fret ke 4)

3. Nada Senar no 3(G) los senar = Nada senar no 4 fret ke 5 (petik senar keempat dengan jari tangan satunya menekan senar no 4 pada fret ke 5)

4. Nada Senar no 4(D) los senar = Nada senar no 5 fret ke 5 (petik senar kelima dengan jari tangan satunya menekan senar no 5 pada fret ke 5)

5. Nada Senar no 5(A) los senar = Nada senar no 6 fret ke 5 (petik senar keenam dengan jari tangan satunya menekan senar no 6 pada fret ke 5)

Los senar adalah senar gitar hanya dipetik saja, tanpa jari kita menekan pada fretboard

Untuk aturan frekuensi nada musik baik vokal maupun instrument musik sebenarnya sudah mengikuti standar yang berlaku secara internasional Adapun nada yang dijadikan standar internasional adalah nada A dengan frekuensi 440Hz(hertz), sehingga alat musik modern(tradisional seperti gamelan misalnya tidak mengikuti standar tsb) dimanapun di dunia akan mengikuti standar tersebut. Nah pertanyaannya adalah: bagaimana kita tahu kalo nada A pada gitar ketika sudah kita stem = 440Hz? . Kita perlu menggunakan alat ukur nada yang standar, yaitu:

1. bisa menggunakan sebuah garpu tala (bisa dibeli di toko musik), cara memakainya cukup pukulkan garpu tala ke obyek tertentu(meja misalnya) maka akan berbunyi sesuai dengan nada tertentu, tiap garpu tala punya nada tertentu, biasanya C atau A(bawaan pabrik)

2. dengan menggunakan digital guitar tuner (bisa dibeli di toko musik juga), cara memakainya, biasanya ada semacam buku panduan yang disertakan ketika kita membelinya.

3. menggunakan alat musik lain sebagai perbandingan, bisa dengan keyboard misalnya.

4. dengan software musik di komputer, seperti guitarpro yang sudah menyertakan digital guitar tuner didalamnya

Gambar Chord Keyboard

sebelumnya saya mw ucapin thankz buat Tikaa yang udah mampir ke Blog ini, dan masalah Chord keyboard, saya akan mencoba memposting beberapa gambar Chord dasar keyboard,,
baik langsung aja mencoba beberapa Chord keyboard di bawah ini, mudah-mudahan mudah dipelajari,

Chord dasar C:

Chord C#:

Chord Cm:

Chord dasar D:

Chord D#:

Chord Dm:

Chord dasar E:

Chord Em:

Chord dasar F:

Chord F#:

Chord Fm:

Chord dasar G:

Chord G#:

Chord Gm:

Chord dasar A:

Chord Am:

Chord A#:

Chord dasar B:

Chord Bm:

okey,, demikian tadi beberapa contoh chord pada Keyboard,,

selamat mencoba......

Advanced Keyboards in Worship - promotional trailer

 Learn advanced keys parts to worship songs :
  • In-depth instructional video lessons for each song
  • Multiple keyboard parts unpacked in detail for 10 contemporary worship songs
  • High quality backing tracks to play along to with on-screen chord charts
  • Use Hammond organ as well as authentic string, pad & synth sounds
  • Use modulation & delay effects
  • Create melodic interest & use riffs to develop effective parts
  • Ideas for two simultaneous keys players

Advanced Keyboards in Worship - promotional trailer from Musicademy on Vimeo.

This is a trailer showcasing Musicademy's Advanced Keyboards in Worship DVDs.
The DVDs will teach you how to:
* Play tasteful, well executed keyboard parts
* Find interesting piano chord voicings
* Use Hammond organ
* Play authentic string, pad and synth sounds
* Use riffs to develop effective parts
* Create melodic interest
* Use modulation and delay effects
* Replicate time-synched effects live
* Understand when and when not to play
* Ideas for two simultaneous keys players
* Make use of more keyboard sounds
* In-depth video lessons teaching multiple keys parts to 10 worship songs
* Backing tracks with and without keyboard parts to practice to
* On-screen chord charts and lyrics

Buy from here

Musicademy Worship Keyboards DVD Trailer

This is the trailer for the Musicademy Worship Keyboards DVDs - 4 DVDs for Beginners and 3 for Intermediate players. Each DVD features 2 hours of instruction plus hints and tips from worship leaders like Tim Hughes and Matt Redman.
We teach keyboards using a chords based method which does not require the music score, instead has a more contemporary feel by playing the "guitar" chords.
There is also lots of free articles on worship keyboard playing on our website in the newsletter and members areas.

My Lao music sucks, what can I do!!

Wow! Happy new year to all. Hope you will make 2010 the best year ever. I was at the New year’s party in Fresno California; it was great except for the band and the music that they played. At time, as  musicians we tend to sing and play songs that we like and not what the audiences really want.
This year I am going to be concentrating on playing Lao music that people like because this is what keeps them coming back. One thing that I have found is that it is not so much about the song but the style of music that you play. Paslop, Limborock, Talung, Offbeat, Megadance are some of the styles that many good Lao musicians neglect. Be sure to keep these styles in mind when you are playing at a party.
If you have a style that you think is the best at the moment feel free to post it in the comment section.

Belajar Main Keyborad Bagi Pemula

Learn How to Play Lao Music on Your Keyboard In One Day 

First, learn how to play the chords. You could download the keyboard chord chart from this post and start practice playing them. I would suggest you start out with learning these chords first – Dm F Gm Am C Bb – When you learn these five chords you could play just about all Lao country songs out there because with the keyboard you could use the transpose button for scaling the notes.
Second, learn the melody. For me I used a program call Vanbaso. I just load in the midi file of a song that I want to learn. Mute all the channels except for the melody and a play along with it. And if I want to get the chords for the song I would mute all the channels except for the guitar chord. You could also lower the tempo if it is too fast for you. Pretty cool program to get the chord and the melody part.

If you are not a visual person then I would suggest this program Midi2Notation. Just get the player version it is free! With this program you could print out the melody part of a song or just the guitar chord. Check it out!

The key here is to learn the chord of a song, the melody and then bringing them together. Have fun!
Download these programs, a free midi and test them out. This is how I learn! If you like to share with us how you learn your keyboard lessons please post it here.
Keyboard Chord Chart
Professional Resources:
Professional Piano Chords For Everyday Pianists
Instant Chord Finder
Related Links
How to Play Electronic Keyboard for Beginners

Play Simple Chords On Keyboad
Thai Pop Music Lyrics and Chords
  • Share/Bookmark

First, you need to install the music software downloader on your PC. The software should come with the keyboard.  Once you have that, connect a USB cable to the E403 and in the software,  click on musical instrument and flash memory.
Add your files and it will take about 10 seconds each to download.
When this is complete, you can retrieve your style files by pressing the function button and  scrolling through until you find the sub menu “SFF load” all of your loaded styles will be in that area.
To load a style from “SFF load” press “0″ than press the yes button.
This will load that one style into style # 156

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Keyboard Chord

Pelajari Chords Keyboard Seperti Mereka Berkaitan Untuk Setiap kunci Mengingat

Di bawah ini Apakah Sebuah Keyboard Yang Telah Kunci Putih Berlabel Dengan Nama Catatan
Tombol hitam adalah benda tajam dan flat. Sebagai contoh: Kunci hitam antara C dan catatan catatan D akan dianggap baik Tajam C (C #) atau flat D (Db). Kunci hitam antara catatan D dan catatan E akan dianggap baik Tajam D (D #) atau flat E (Eb). sisa catatan pada dasarnya mengikuti pola yang sama. Mudah ya?


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This is the place where you can create free shoutboxes and easily put them on your website or blog! Just copy and paste generated shoutbox code and you're done :).

It is really as easy as creating new account, specifying desired settings for your free shoutbox and pasting the code to your website. Try it out!

New: Online editor for shoutbox colors :)
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New: Shoutbox can be private! No more problems with cheating on nicks! :)
New: You can now post as admin in shoutbox :).

Some features of our shoutboxes:

  • Shoutbox is absolutely free!
  • 20 displayed shouts
  • 200 stored shouts
  • Custom colors with online editor (new!)
  • Shoutbox refreshes automatically (new!)
  • Private mode where user need to register first (new!)
  • Quick registration
  • Many available styles
  • You can post special posts as admin
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  • You can adjust width and height of the shoutbox
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  • Advanced handling of website addresses

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My Note by

Choose your fav colour for your notes. Click on the image.. enjoy! :)

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri